Sunday, September 4, 2016

When you are growing up, adults never mention how hard it is. They tell you to enjoy life as a kid while you can, and remember the good times in high school. They don't mention how sometimes your closest friends fade away over the years or how bills start to dictate how you live your life. I admit, the time I grew up in was a time of weirdness and people throwing money around like drops of water. I thought that when I finally became an adult, things would be similar if not the same.

Boy was I way wrong....

Today, people now have to work up to 3 jobs just to get enough to eat. Health care has become a luxury item and illness that were once gone are coming back. Political views have gone from "lets help everyone" to "that's my money and why should I help need to work harder". Depression is on the rise and people spend more time looking at their phones than actually talking to each other. In America, we test kids on repeated ideas instead of encouraging free thinking. We have  trigger warnings for people who are scared of the world instead of those who have been harmed and safe rooms where they get to complain how their feelings are hurt. We let white criminals go and punish other people for the color of their skin or their religious views. We have lost kindness and empathy and gained dishonesty and greed. We no longer look upon the poor and bleeding and think "How can I help?" but instead think "What is this going to cost me"

I see good people try to live and fall time and time again, not because they are not trying, but because they are not being bad. They are following the rules and being punished. The ones who lie and cheat and steal are the ones being rewarded with more wealth and more power. And in turn we are taught that good people will always lose, so why be good?